Reina 18g x 100mm Ultra Lift I (4 pcs per foil pack)


Buy Reina 18g x 100mm Ultra Lift I Online

Reina 18g x 100mm Ultra Lift I is made of a needle and thread made of either poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) or polydioxanone (PDO). The purpose of Reina is to create a fake wound by being placed into the skin. The body begins to mend itself, and then there is a lifting and tightening effect. Since 2001, the threads have been employed to create wounds in regular hospitals, proving their safety. They are also biodegradable and biocompatible.PDO thread is a synthetic suture constructed of polydioxanone, a bioabsorbable polymer.
Comparing the polydioxanone suture to other synthetic absorbable sutures, the former offers wound support for an extended duration.
Additionally, polydioxanone sutures have considerably better tensile strength. Para-dioxanone monomer is polymerized to create polydioxanone sutures.
Suture is absorbed by simple hydrolysis 180 days from the day of implantation.
Polydioxanone suture absorption is consistent and dependable.


  • minimally invasive and pain-free
  • fast, simple, and perfectly safe
  • no scarring
  • reliable and long-lasting results
  • can be performed at any time of the year
  • short recovery time
  • immediate return to everyday activities


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