Reina 30g x 25mm Eye Cannula (8 pcs per foil pack)


Buy Reina 25mm Eye Cannula Online

Reina 25mm Eye Cannula consists of a needle and Polydioxanone (PDO) or Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) thread. Reina is intended to be inserted into skin, causing artificial wound. It induces healing effect of the body itself, followed by tightening and lifting effect. The safety of the threads is verified, as they have been used to sew wounds in normal hospitals since 2001. Also, they are biocompatible and biodegradable.

PDO thread is bioabsorbable suture made with synthetic molecule called Polydioxanone.
Polydioxanone suture provide wound support for longer period of time as compared to other synthetic absorbable sutures.
Polydioxanone suture also offer far superior tensile strength.
absorption of polydioxanone suture is reliable and predictable.


arms, abdomen, inner thighs, lower face area, crow’s feet,
infraorbital wrinkles, cheeks, jaw line, neck, forehead and glabellar area


minimally invasive and pain-free
fast, simple, and perfectly safe
no scarring
reliable and long-lasting results
short recovery time
immediate return to everyday activities


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Reina 25mm Eye CannulaReina 30g x 25mm Eye Cannula (8 pcs per foil pack)